Maine has a robust working waterfront and a firmly entrenched marine-based economy. We fully support and enrich Maine’s working waterfronts, particularly in the Downeast communities where we operate.
Over the years, access to many of Maine’s traditional fisheries have closed. The scallop fishery is now a closed fishery, there has been no shrimp season for the past two years, elvers offers extremely limited entry, lobster has limited entry and for all practical purposes, ground fishing is all but gone. Rockweed harvesting is one of the few remaining open fisheries in Maine – it is a significant contributor to Maine’s working waterfront and has potential to provide even more economic benefit to coastal communities, particularly those in Downeast Maine.
For those growing up in Maine’s coastal communities who want to make a living from the sea, the opportunities are limited. Rockweed harvesting, sustainably managed, along with aquaculture, are bright spots among the fisheries.
Not only is Rockweed harvesting sustainable on the procurement side, but the end products are environmentally friendly and help take harsh chemical-based products out of our food chain.
Looked at as a whole, from the sustainable harvesting methods, the substantial peer-reviewed resource research conducted, to the positive economic impact and the environmentally-friendly end products, the story of Rockweed in Maine is a win-win, both environmentally and economically. We want what everyone wants – a sustainable natural resource, sustainable coastal economies and robust working waterfronts – we can help attain those important goals.